What's New
November 25, 2024
The IEO has posted a menu of Possible Topics for Future IEO Evaluations. Comments are welcome and can be sent to ieo@imf.org.
March 4, 2025
The IEO Seminar Series hosted a discussion of the recent IEO evaluation of The IMF’s Exceptional Access Policy (EAP). Following a brief overview of the evaluation's findings and recommendations by Pablo Moreno (IEO Director), Rishi Goyal (Strategy, Policy and Review Department at the IMF), Sean Hagan (Peterson Institute for International Economics), Carmen Reinhart (Harvard Kennedy School), and Hector Torres (Centre for International Governance Innovation) shared their perspectives on the evaluation and the future of the EAP. 
January 30, 2025
The IEO Seminar Series hosted a conversation with Sir Christopher Pissarides (London School of Economics), Chad Jones (Stanford University), and Era Dabla-Norris (IMF) on The Economics of AI: Jobs, Growth, and Existential Risk. In this seminar, the speakers discussed ways in which government policies and communication from employers can alleviate workers’ anxieties, strategies for policymakers to optimize the use of AI, and strategies for equitable distribution of AI benefits through effective fiscal policies.
December 20, 2024
The IEO has posted its 2025 Work Program Update. The Work Program Update introduces one new evaluation: IMF Engagement on Debt Issues in Low-Income Countries. A preliminary description of the background and anticipated format and scope of the evaluation is provided in the attachment, drawing on the note “Possible Topics for Future IEO Evaluations."
December 12, 2024
The IEO released its report on The IMF’s Exceptional Access Policy.
November 25, 2024
The IEO has posted a menu of Possible Topics for Future IEO Evaluations. Comments are welcome and can be sent to ieo@imf.org.
March 4, 2025
The IEO Seminar Series hosted a discussion of the recent IEO evaluation of The IMF’s Exceptional Access Policy (EAP). Following a brief overview of the evaluation's findings and recommendations by Pablo Moreno (IEO Director), Rishi Goyal (Strategy, Policy and Review Department at the IMF), Sean Hagan (Peterson Institute for International Economics), Carmen Reinhart (Harvard Kennedy School), and Hector Torres (Centre for International Governance Innovation) shared their perspectives on the evaluation and the future of the EAP. 

our work 

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) was established in 2001 to conduct independent and objective evaluations of Fund policies and activities. Under its Terms of Reference, it is fully independent from the Management of the IMF and operates at arm's length from the Board of Executive Directors.

Our Mandate

The IEO's mission is to:

Enhance the learning culture within the Fund, strengthen the Fund's external credibility, and support institutional governance and oversight. 

about us

IEO Team

Pablo Moreno
Alfonso Guerra
Assistant Director
Hélène Poirson
Miguel de Las Casas
Advisor and Senior Personnel Manager
Yasemin Bal Gündüz
Senior Economist
Jeremie Cohen-Setton
Senior Economist and Senior Security Officer
Anthony De Lannoy
Senior Economist
Edda Zoli
Senior Economist
Joshua Wojnilower
Economist and Budget Officer
Andrea Arevalo Arroyo
Jiakun Li
Carmen Rollins
Evaluation Officer
Sandra Saveikyte
Research Officer
Lukasz Jannils
Senior Research Officer
Jay Amgalan
Research Officer
Kelsie Gentle
Research Officer
Elena Pinillos
Projects Officer
Arun Bhatnagar
Senior Admin Assistant
Vionie Canas
Administrative Coordinator

be a part

The IEO is based at the IMF headquarters in Washington, DC, USA. In addition to the regular staff positions at the IEO (recruited from the outside and seconded from the IMF staff) there are a variety of options to work for the IEO as a consultant. Long-term consultants are hired for the duration of an entire project or more. Short-term consultants cover particular aspects of a project. Some of the short-term consultants stay based in their home country while working for the IEO.